Information about Single and Monthly donations
- Donation taken twice using Apple Pay
- Can I cover processing fees?
- Are there any fees on donations?
- What happens if my chosen payment date falls on a weekend or holiday?
- Why has my repeat donation been cancelled?
- How can I cancel my repeat donation?
- How are repeat donations processed?
- How can I donate?
- What should I do if my card was used for an unauthorised donation?
- How do I request a refund?
- Can I receive a refund after my donation has been sent to the charity?
- How do I make a donation?
- Can I set up monthly repeat donations for multiple charities?
- Which charities are on Give as you Live Donate?
- Is Give as you Live Donate free?
- Is there a minimum amount that I can donate?
- Can I add Gift Aid to my donation?
- Can I donate from a different country?
- Where will I find my donation receipt?
- How do I change the date that my monthly repeat donation goes out?
- How do I change the value of my monthly repeat donation?